The Journey from AITA to AmITheAngel

I'll give you one. Just last week, there was this woman, hardcore christian, In-laws too, her husband is gay, married her for kids, she's getting a divorce, he told everyone she cheated on him. Her MIL was questioning her about it, and she outed him. She outed a man, who is so scared bc of his religion that he married a woman to feel normal, to his hardcore gay bashing Christian family. Now, he was also an extremely shitty evil person, so it should've been an ESH, right? Well, apparently, OOP was NTA, girlboss, who showed that f---ot his place. Like, people don't take outing someone seriously, but how is it any different than releasing revenge porn of someone?

"just bc my SO cheated on me so i released their nudes on FB, Instagram and twitter and tagged his family. AITA?"

NTA, your SO betrayed your trust, you have every right to ruin their entire lives.

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