June 24th Patch Notes mega-thread

General Impressions from the time I started watching:

Nox AP sounds exactly like her normal VP. Same lines and everything... Except pentakill.

Ermagherd Swagni. I love it.

You can buy FP now? Ugh. I see why they did it, but did they have to?

Oh thank god. Their betting system actually makes sense now.

Hopefully the announcer packs work now. They already said it would only work locally before. Hopefully it's true this time.

Oh cool. They listened to the community on buffing the GF and FG. Awesome.

... Harpies spawn at mid at 10 seconds again? Sigh. How many changes have they gone back on now? What was wrong with how it was before?

Dat fatalis buff. As I Freya main I squee with glee. Hopefully it's not too too stronk.

That HOG change is annoying :/ Oh Ok, so it scales with the rank. Annoying, but understandable. That doesn't change much though.

These ward changes... only two wards total? Why was the three previously allowed bad?

Ok, faster camps. That's nice I guess. More experience for everybody I guess. Gonna be a pain for the solo and duo lane though. Gonna have to watch out for them invades more. Ugh. As if Mage solo wasn't hard enough already.

WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? WHAT? WHY? Why are we changing HOG? That really screws over people that are playing from behind. This will make the game even MORE snowbally.

Yay. Qin's price reduction. Shit makes sense now.

... Really? You're reverting more things now? K.

... Nerfing magi's and adding more CC into the game. K. Seems legit.

I swear to god if you buff HS I will throw a fit. K. You didn't buff it. But this is just stupid. It still halves on death? And you need kills to stack it? That's just plain stupid.

Oh great. An offensive invulnerability that's similar to Chang'e's. As if she wasn't outclassed enough already. There is no way this isn't going to be at least a little broken.

He has a heal too? This is a total middle finger to chang'e. Only thing that could make me more salty is if his ult stuns as well. I bet the heal is better than chang'e's too :( .

Ok. That ult is kewl. His kit doesn't seem like it'll be especially hard to balance. Knowing Hi-Rez, it'll be broken on release but I don't think his kit is inherently OP.

Wait... that's it? These are the changes we're "Not prepared for." dafuq?

I'm not a fan of most of these changes. But I'll deal with them. I don't play as much conquest as I used to so I don't expect it'll affect me too much. Aside from dat hot hot fatalis buff of course.

/r/Smite Thread