Just diagnosed with herpes. Devastated.

Hey! You are okay. And you are going to be okay.

I've been dating my boyfriend for 2 years (he has herpes). After nothing to write home about, I finally seem to have been taken out by the lovely virus. It happens. It's uncomfortable. It is not the end of the world. For you or I.

My first outbreak is fairly mild - a few sores with some minor itching and vague aches and pains in my legs. If I hadn't had reason to consider it was Herpes, I don't think I would have even thought twice about any of it.

I feel very lucky in that I when I thought something was up, I asked my boyfriend to take a look and then got to have a completely honest, safe conversation about What Next? So I'm glad you're posting here, even if you're feeling awful and scared as heck.

I will also add that he told me the first night I went home with him, in a completely matter-of-fact way. And it didn't make me second guess dating him at all. And even now, when I look at what having him in my life means at the cost of a vaguely annoying skin disease? I'd do it again.

Yes, it's going to be hard talking to partners about it and dating. But there are people out there who are not going to give it a second thought. You will find the right folks, I promise.

This comment is my first real disclosure since finding out (I've told my two closest friends and my sister) and your post made me feel comfortable doing so. So, thank you!

And feel free to PM me if you want to talk about ANYTHING.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread