So I just downloaded the Destiny 2 beta and played my first few crucible matches today..

There is little value in the individual. Many times it is just a pack of people running together from one area to the other.

While the meta and the weapons will certainly change to make matters worse its an Auto Rifle, SMG type meta. This allows players to literally just chase you around a corner with 2 of their friends. RIP solo players. Its not about not having friends. Some people actually liked to play solo. I do not find much skill involved when you pubstomp. Sure it is fun. Don't get me wrong. I have done my fair share of pubstombing. But I am a quite person. I am not always a fan of people. I like to play solo. That aspect of the game is gone from what we have seen. That is a major bummer for me.

Add in the wonky match making and its a pretty crappy experience most of time. I am not sure why I match the same kids over and over again. Many times I will run into a team of 4 have the game end. And meet them in the very next match. Its really not a good feeling regardless of skill. I feel like I don't want to do well because if I do I will get super super sweaty games.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread