Just ended a 3 year relationship- what have been the best ways you have healed, flourished and forged ahead after a break up?

My boyfriend just broke up with me about two weeks ago so I feel you. It hurts!

The thing that I've found works the best is setting goals for myself/planning things with friends. It's a lot easier to stop focusing on the heartbreak when you have something else to concern yourself with. I made a plan for going back to school, I planned events with my friends for the next few weekends so I don't sit at home and mope and feel sorry for myself, and I made a list of all the things I want to do--learn to snowboard, take a kickboxing class, go to that vegan restaurant that I've wanted to check out. I redownloaded tinder just for shits and gigs and it's been fun just talking to guys and not having to be serious.

I also made a list of all of the things that he did that made me sad or upset or just things I didn't really like about him. Because you and your boyfriend ended things in a good place, maybe yours won't be as hate-filled as mine (haha), but it's still helpful to kind of identify the things you didn't like so you know what to look for in the next relationship.

But most of all, I just try to stay positive. I wrote down my favorite inspirational quotes and look at them when I'm feeling down. I changed my lock screen to a quote I really like so I see it -all- the time. I remind myself that someday I'm going to find somebody so amazing and it's going to work out and be great. This is the first time I've really been single in about five years--2.5 year relationship, 1 year relationship, 1.5 year relationship--so it's also cool that I'm finally just me by myself and I can do anything I want! I didn't realize how much I was stressed out and anxious about the relationship and making it work so it's been like a breath of fresh air.

It still hurts when I see something that reminds me of him, or when I see something I want to share with him, or I hear a song that we both really liked. So I let myself be sad and cry, but I try to make it short-lived. Way too much happiness going on to stay all mopey for too long.

/r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide Thread