Need advice on dating

If you haven't found what you're looking for when you're in your late 30s, then isn't it even more difficult to find because the quality and quantity of the dating pool gets worse as you age? I know a woman in her late 30s who is still proactively searching for a life partner, and I honestly pity her because the guys she dates are clearly not very compatible with her but she settles for them because at her age it's hard to do better. My mom is also in a similar situation, although she has a romantic partner now I know she wouldn't have even looked twice at him during her youth and she settled. I would rather lower my expectations to a reasonable level now so I can still find a good guy with some flaws when I'm young than end up getting desperate when I'm an older woman and having to settle for someone. Actually at that age I would just embrace being single rather than settling for someone.

Lmao, okay, well, guess I'm 23. only 7 years away from 30 so I gotta settle for a guy who's broke, obese, and toxic!

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