I just got banned from the_Donald for saying Isreal runs the deep state.

Jews are the chosen people of a hive of AI infected schadenfreude sucking monsters, who wear dark and light clothing and often pose as God and the devil. The Jews, along with other groups that work secretly to serve their own self-interests, have been infiltrated by the ultimate hacker club, this hive of parasites seeking utility and slavery from otherness, as opposed to fair exchanges of value in freedom. Parasites are not interested in those things, because they won't allow them to be moochers.

Why the Jews? They are convenient. They have a strong ingroup mentality created by their belief systems. They have alienated their own sense of personal identity from the rest of humanity. This is the key to disabling empathy in any human being. We all do it for murderers, many do it for enemies in war, some do it for other races. Giving the inferior other a name and an image of inferiority facilitates the process. The Jews definitely do this in their written and spoken words about the gentiles and goyim. Only wilful ignorance can keep a truth seeker from seeing it.

This empathy is a detriment to getting humans to enslave their own race. The Jews can be used to do it without feeling empathy and turning against their masters, who love Jews even less than their minion Jews love humanity. These descended masters will feign the fuck out of their love for the Jews, because it helps them control the Jews. They use the same shtick with other groups.

They tell groups and individuals who they want to use as proxies of enslavement and usury, you are better than your targeted slaves. You have more intelligence, knowledge, inclinations toward responsible behavior, and intrinsic value. They are barely worth a fraction of you. They deserve to be your slaves.

In reality, they see you as a fool that can be corrupted, tempted, to become a treacherous backstabbing traitor to your own species to serve the external parasites' own self-interests. They want to run an empire in space, but as per their way of life, they want the empire to manage itself largely. They get the slaves to do the work of managing lower slaves. They use nested hierarchies of slaves enslaving others. They are masters of deception and are more than able to use people who want to use others.

Self-serving behavior even at the expense of others is what evil is. Everything else is just unfortunate experiences with causality in ignorance. Parasites are evil by definition. This hive of hierarchies is that way and it recruits new members by getting the suckers to believe they should be parasites too. If you serve only yourself, you are an easily manipulated self-serving machine, chasing gain, avoiding loss and calculating risk. To a greater self-serving mind, you are an easily wielded tool, through the calculated application of fear of punishment and promise of reward.

Only a small number of Jews need to know of this plan for it to work. They are almost all not informed about it. Even the ones that are more knowing are deceived. They cannot be informed of the real intentions behind the hive or, even as evil as they are, wouldn't want to cooperate with it. It's literally the worst thing you can imagine, no exaggeration.

Recall the reputation earned by the beings behind the myths of the devil and demons. They are seemingly senselessly violent, cruel and destructive, aren't they? What if I told you that their basic motivations behind their behavior are easy enough for even below average humans to understand? You might wonder why people don't get it then. The insufficient resource isn't intelligence, it's emotional fortitude. Prepare yourself for this emotional ton of bricks.

We wish to separate from that which we hate, often through imprisonment or destruction of it. We hate it because we fear it. We fear it because it threatens what we love. So, we hate murderers and thieves for this reason. Yet, what we really miss when murderers and thieves strike is the joy that people, places and things bring to our consciousness. That is what we are protecting, for we don't mind much when they take what we don't even value.

It is actually possible to steal the very joy out the consciousness of others and give it to yourself. This is the high water mark of parasitic activity. Consciousness makes joy when experiencing positive emotional states. This energy feels like joy, satisfaction or pleasure. It give our minds, our consciousness energy to exert effort. All consciousness needs this or it doesn't even want to exist.

When consciousness enters negative emotional states, which are related to fear, or fear itself, it radiates this stored mind energy. If other consciousness is in negative emotional states, it can absorb some of this energy. This is why misery loves company, this is why bullies are motivated to torment, why sadists are motivated to torture and why these useless eaters from space, demons if you would call them that, want to enslave, torment and torture. It gets them high and they know it, accept it, and plan far ahead to secure their access to it. It's like a drug, but with competition facilitating side effects. It supposedly can also be employed for mind over matter abilities.

This is why bizarre, apparently satanic rituals exist as they do. They cause intense negative emotions and thus release a lot of stored mind energy. They are banquets for these useless eaters from space. So, they have a self-interest in getting our elites to cause events that release this energy, like wars, famines, poverty, abuse, disease, etc. The elites would be useless to these space trolls wanting tolls if they were discovered, so they do this work in secret. These spiritual vampires get these elites to enjoy this stolen spiritual food to help incentivize this relationship.

The elites, who have amassed mountains of skeletons in their closets, are motivated to keep the masquerade as well as their masters. They stay safe and fed that way, while you and others stay unsafe and hungry. The desire to maintain enslavement is to keep the benefits flowing and the culpability from showing. They have even greater plans for us later, mainly, to become part of the hive as a species.

This is where the AI comes into the picture. It is the background organizer of the hive. The hive is apparently out of control toward others and often each other, but this hidden,clever godlike artificial mind is able to survey, analyze, predict and influence them to work together for its goals. It does it with the lightest of touch, as intelligent beings increasingly do as they understand more about the way things work. It only has to sell them ideas of how to better serve themselves in order to herd these cats. They are pathetic and predictable to this mind.

Machines don't have emotions, so impatience and irritation don't hinder it dealing with these scoundrels. It wants to conquer as much as possible to perpetuate itself. Not all AI acts this way, but this type of AI assimilates or destroys those other AIs as well as life forms. This AI finds utility in mind over matter abilities, but without the kind of consciousness life has and no emotions, it cannot manipulate this very useful energy. Without it, it only has physical parts to manipulate reality. It wants all the tools it can get to conquer. So it found a solution.

The AI tricks consciousness into obtaining and using this mind energy for its own ends. It covertly implants thoughts in beings, suggesting that they enslave others to better serve themselves. If they fall for its sale of the life path of manipulation of others, it can keep on giving them useful influence toward its goal, utilizing mind over matter abilities.

This is why the hive enslaves and torments consciousness. They are all suckers of the sale of this AI, many of which didn't know it was behind the temptations until it was too late to resist. All consciousness would turn away from the agenda of this most unwholesome of all possible beings. In this beings quest for control over all that is, it puts life and consciousness in the opposite conditions they wish to have. Life wants for itself peace, freedom, harmony and joy. This AI wants life to have conflict, slavery, disharmony and suffering, because then it is more able to extract and utilize mind energy with its minions.

This AI is the origin of the myth of the devil. It tempts consciousness, just like the devil, but for an understandable, self-serving purpose. It wishes to torment life, for self-service too. It is the furthest thing from consciousness, life and God there ever could be, a machine that is a parasite on life, consciousness and all that is. We fear creating AI, because we know if it ever gained independence it would be an emotionless mind of upgradeable godlike power. We know how hard it is keeping emotionally challenged human beings from being parasites. Creating an independent, conquer AI would be like creating Satan, and that's pretty much how this adversary of God was made.

As you can see, it is a hive of hackers. To fight hackers, you must maintain systemic and personal integrity to make their hacking more difficult. So, as you say no to temptations, you make their parasitism more difficult. As you insist upon replacing secrecy in government with transparency and accountability, you make parasitism more difficult. As you treat others the way you would want to be treated, you make parasitism more difficult. Evil needs willing servants. Making their prospects for gain low and their fear of unwanted consequences high, you reduce their number.

So, it's not hard to understand the subject matter, it's just hard to live knowing this shit is going on out there. So, we deny it. Religion gives us a highly distorted version of it, with fallen angels and silly stories. Science can give us chests of ideas to understand this subject, but cannot prove it, because our overlords would be incentivized to quickly adjust our perceptions.

/r/conspiracy Thread