Just got my natural pro card! This is my first shoot...

To answer everyone's questions... my last season and pro card win was bodybuilding. This year starting in june my shows are phsyique so i'm shooting for another pro card and then once i'm done with physique i will diet down the rest of the way for bodybuilding shows

Just wanted to say thanks for all the comments, this is my first post so I'm new to reddit. Looks like a lot of comments are asking about the nutrition end and the training programs. What I typically do as far as the training goes is when my food is going up I'll shoot for a good mix of powerlifting exercises such as deadlifting and squats. I typically go for a 3-5 rep range for these and will also go for PR's as well. During my auxillary lifts my rep ranges with change and rotate from anything from 5-7 to 15-30 depending on the exercises, what I'm trying to accomplish, and the week. I won't take everything to failure as my workouts are about an average of 3-3.5 hrs long and I don't want to tap out my central nervous system. I take decent rest breaks in between sets as well. As the food lowers in preperation for a show and I'm not working on building muscle this changes and the workouts shorten and I'm very careful as what I take to failure. On the nutrition end I am extremely calculated both during a diet and an "offseason" or a reverse diet. When I am reversing I slowly add food in week by week. I count macro nutrients and shoot for a certain amount of protein/carbs/fats/ and a daily fiber intake. I adjust this upward in order to minimize fat gain and maximize muscle growth, as a natural muscle growth is painfully slow so even if i binged and ate mass amounts of food the muscle growth wouldnt be that much more and the fat would tack on fast making more work for me to do during my diet. During my prep which is about 5-6 months i slowly take a way carbs/fats week by week depending on how quick my body adapts and how much weight i am losing. Some weeks need to be more agressive than others. I also incorporate cardio during this time which changes week to week in the amount that I do. If anyone is looking for help this is what I do for a living- lifestyle coaching in which I handle clients nutrition and training and customize everything to the individuals body to the gram. We do weekly adjustments, sometimes daily, all through email in order to hit the individuals goals. I also provide an initial video consultation to get get familiar with my clients.

If anyones interested in seeing some more pics you can see my facebook-Mikey Weiss or my instagram @miami__weiss I plan on posting more in reddit as well as I'm doing a full season of photo shoots. Thanks again for all the feedback!

/r/bodybuilding Thread Link - i.imgur.com