I just had a healing conversation with a schizophrenic homeless man. [0]

I had a pretty potent interaction with a homeless man today too. I had just gotten off work and decided to chill with a cig in my car for a minute. Suddenly this dude appears at my window, I'd say around his late 50s or so. I recognize him hanging around my job's complex a lot. All he said was "what's up nephew?" and got the vibe that he was just kinda chillin around so I offered him a cig.

He then mentioned I have a very good "energy" to me. He said "you work hard, you've experienced some things and you've seen results." I tend to have successful interactions with people (work in retail) but when he said this I really didn't know how to respond. I left school last semester and joined forces with a couple of friends to pursue something with 100% of our effort that we always talked and joked about in the past. It is NOT all fun and dreamy like they make it look in the media, and the journey's still long ahead, but the level of gratification from all the subtle personal and developmental victories experienced already up until now, between all of us as best friends, has made the experience worthwhile in ways that I couldn't have predicted and would never trade back.

He asked me what kind of work I do and at first I just pointed my thumb back and said "I work right here," to which he nodded and simply replied "oh..." There was silence for a couple seconds until I just thought fuck it and told him I actually make music with my friends and it really is the main focus of everything right now. The guy smiled and actually teared up. He fist pounded me multiple times and simply wished me a good day and good travels. I still haven't told anyone about this but seeing this post here I just had to share. Cheers OP, wishin many more good experiences on ya.

/r/trees Thread