I was just hiding inside an abandoned, locked freight car from the 1950s from the owners for 30 minutes in the freezing cold

Yes I thought they saw me but they never did anything. They were on a trolley, going through every 10 minutes. We first got on top of the train, then measured out knots on a rope and lowered it into the hatch, tied around the brakeman’s board. I left our bags at the top, then went down with my gear. It led to a small space with a wooden door and wall blocking the rest of the train. My accomplice noticed the trolley coming by from the roof, and had to get our bags out of there and hide. Once the trolley reached the end, it stopped and after a minute I looked out to see. I think the operator had gotten out to look for us, and as I climbed out, I saw him, but his back was turned. I ducked back in, and waited for it to leave. Afterwards I got out, and began the long process of untying our rope. Halfway through the trolley came back, and I had to flatten myself against the roof. Once it stopped out of sight, we bolted across the other pair of tracks and into the woods. I have to come back for the rope tomorrow

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