Just saw a video with 500,000 views complaining that Wanderer is a bad character because he gets interrupted on taking damage. Allow us to introduce ourselves.

People act like a character is bad just because he needs some support. Shield users or chars like Xingqiu who buff resistance basically exist to support other characters. I mean it’s fair to say that it’s annoying how ground attacks can hit him but other then that he is completely fine and incredibly fun. I have a decent shimenawa set on him and can clear any content with ease. Funny how people who care so much about meta seem to forget that it doesn’t matter at all. You aren’t competing against others. You are not playing Valorant or League so I’d suggest just playing characters you like since there is no difficult content in this game anyways once you got some character built decently.

/r/Genshin_Impact Thread Link - i.redd.it