Just started Wheel of Time, is it worth the 15 books?

The first 5 or so books are average by today's standards, but the rest are a major slog and not worth it in my opinion. There are some good moments in the ones Sanderson wrote but even those were bad due to having to clean up dozens of boring unnecessary plotlines Jordan set up, and this is coming from someone who's read all the Cosmere books and loved all of them.

The good:

  • Great magic system and magic fights
  • Interesting setting, concepts, and history
  • Michael Kramer and Kate Reading narrate the audiobooks
  • Rand's POV

The bad:

  • The characters range from unlikable to detestable. Jordan wrote women that behave like children, even women that are supposedly really old and wise will constantly make completely irrational decisions out of spite.
  • There are some uncomfortable themes overused throughout the series:
    • Torture
    • Slavery
    • Mind control
    • Bullying - there's so much bullying it feels like a series about high school
    • Women getting naked for rituals for no reason while men stay fully clothed
    • Humiliation
    • Sociopathy
  • Too many irrelevant side plots and side characters
  • Even early on in the series, the overall book plots are very repetitive
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