Just stepped down last night as a Ministerial Servant. Here was my letter.

Great letter. It's so sad that people have to stay at be PIMO just to save their relationships with nearly every they know. I myself was never a JW my mom and her sister studied with the JWs when I was young but she didn't like a lot of what they were saying so our family never joined but my aunt and all my cousins did. When the kids were young my aunt wasn't in as she is now so she allowed the kids to do school parties ect and see have dinners as a family at Thanksgiving time. But she got more zealous as they go older and now her and her oldest son are really in deep. They even tried to force my mom to join because she was living with them after a car accident. My mom agreed to go to the KH just to be respectful of them but once they tried to get her to actually become a witness she refused and they made her move out!!! With brain injuries and all but she found a wonderful AFC home and a great guardian. She's not like so brain injured that she did know things it's short term memory she struggles with. To me it's evil to try to take advantage of that (because she was slightly words then, still aware of everything and people but having a hard time remembering stuff like where she left her purse or having problems with making decisions) to get her to join. Sorry about the ramble I started only meaning to say forcing PIMO is evil and got on a roll

/r/exjw Thread Link - i.redd.it