I was just talking about this with my new therapist

I'm so glad you posted this. And I'm even happier that you're so happy and fulfilled with your decision. I didn't go through this directly, but my best friend of over a decade did. Her story:

She got pregnant while dating a man who, while a wonderful person, was not right for her. They parted ways and, months later, she discovered she was pregnant. It's a really long story that involves irregular periods, different birth controls, negative pregnancy tests, possibly a little denial towards the end, and a really terrible ObGyn, but she didn't find out until almost seven months. She was terrified and had very little time to process the situation.

She started researching adoption and found a wonderful couple through an amazing and helpful agency who paid for everything, including relocation to their city for the last couple of months of her pregnancy. The couple turned out to be the best fathers I've ever seen in action. Her daughter turned 2 last month, and she is beautiful. She has an enormous, loving, supportive family and a very promising life ahead of her. My friend has visited them twice in their hometown, and they've come here once. It's easier, I think, for them because it's only about a 6 hour drive. She is also friends with them on Facebook and they call at least every few months and always on holidays to catch up. They feel just as grateful to her as she does to them. It's truly a beautiful thing. It's been, for me, life-altering and fulfilling to witness and be a part of.

She lurks but doesn't post, and I'm not sure she'll see this, but if you're interested in talking to her, PM me and I'll let her know. She has recently been talking to the pregnant mother of the couple's soon-to-be second child and is helping her through what must be a terrifying and emotionally wrecking ordeal. She hasn't, as far as I know, talked to anyone else who has already gone through with an open adoption. So, you're in the same boat with that.

I think you might help each other. Not to assume that either of you need help, of course. It just seems like it might be nice to talk to someone who has shared the same experience.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread