"I just wanna die."

Superficial faces. Mundane music. A lifeless house. A lifeless city full of lifeless people.
There's not a soul I can drown my misery into.
There's not a single heart in this world that isn't preoccupied with their boring and systematic instructions.

In a crowd full of strangers everybody seems superficial. Thats because we dont know their Storys. I am bad in making friends and i know how alone you can feel amidst thousands of other people if you dont know or connect to anybody. However i think, just one good friend could make that go away.

I don't want it anymore. I just wanna die.

I want too want to die and think about it almost daily. But i dont do it. Not because im afraid. Death is nothing to be afraid of. Hell is place on earth, dead brains dont suffer. But think about the suffering, that you create in others, when you kill yourself. I dont know if you still have one of your parents, but losing a child to suicide is one of the worst things someone can experience. And think about all the good things that you could do, to end suffering in others when you live on.

Cause there's no use in living when there's no reason why

Do we really need a reason? Or is it just one of many lies, that our mind create? Today our biggest cause of suffering are our own negative thoughts. Stop thinking, and all your suffering will end. Easier said than done, I know.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread