Kevin Smith on Instagram: No Clerks III or Mallrats sequel. Jay and Silent Boob reboot being written.

Have you read this thread?! The blind support for him from people who were in short pants the last time the fat fuck made a decent flick is beyond comprehension. My most down-voted comments in the 2yr I've been on this site are me shitting on Kevin Smith as a fat has-been and an delusionally arrogant crybaby. I mowed a bunch of lawns in high school to get the at-the-time-$35 special edition dvd of Mallrats back in the late 90s. I adored that and everything up to Dogma which iirc came out when I was a junior in HS. I loved those movies - and still do. He's turned into a fucking self-congratulating choad who throws temper tantrums every time his latest failure doesn't get labeled "best thing ever." He's a petty, arrogant (but feigns humility to people that would never criticize him to begin with - see his "night with" dvds), self-indulgent, manchild with too much money and too many people feeding his ego.

Here's some better-informed and better-written criticisms.

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