The Kitsch Left

Passive aesthetics implicitly believe the Other will do it for them, they beg for the approval of the Other while revolutionary aesthetics are testament to its nonexistence.

That there is a pathetic suburban adolescent in his mother’s basement making these ‘memes’, must be weaponized into the form of propaganda itself. It not only needs to be pointed out as a fact (as everyone knows this), this fact needs to be immanent to every response to the meme. The otherworldly powers of the meme will be stripped once their contingency of their authors sense of guarantee in the Other is exposed for what it is: Active, rabid, and zealous faith in the Other. Without which, they are nothing (in their own view).

Where would the fascist adolescent, who anonymously creates memes provoking enjoyment in the sufferings of others, in victims of the barbarity of the ruling order, where would they be if between them and the enraged, between them and the damned of the Earth whom they mock, there was no police, no state, no institution to protect them? Where would they be? They’d be ripped limb from limb, these innocent little lambs. They would not be laughing anymore. They’d cry out to their god, they’d despair in anguish, oh, what a tragedy! The first step in crushing meme culture is exposing their utter sense of guarantee that the walls that separate them from the outside periphery will forever remain intact. The aim of the radical is to break these walls and see how the fascists size up – to break the new, inhuman figure of the father.

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