KMS player spends about $5800 on bonus pot cubes to get 3 line attack %... fails

Executive decisions, i suppose. But it keeps GMS as f2p as it currently is.

For everything that main server 'doesn't have', it makes up for about a million things it has.

GMS has

  • Commerci. If transposing 15stars is enough to make up for lack of 25 stars, imagine how crazy it'll be to transpose 25 stars.

  • Gollux. Accessible endgame gear for unfunded players. Together with Commerci these also provide a source for people interested in merching.

  • Crusader Codex. Easy sources of droprate, mesosrate and more.

  • Nebulites. It's generally weaker than additional options but DSE and DSI are easier to obtain because of this system.

  • untouched event rewards. I'm so salty about this.

  • GSE. Free pottable badge with slots? That's pretty good man.

  • totems. For versions which don't have totems, the equivalent are badges. Which sucks. Plus it's always a chunk of stats.

  • regular RLH events.

  • higher tier up rate.

  • unique content like Blackgate with equips which reboot cannot do without.

  • Reboot. Nuff said.

It's so easy to complain about 'no bpot' or 'no 25stars' when you already have a full set of endgame equipment at unique/legendary. Would you bother about bpot if you're still using epic boss accessories? Or 25 stars, if you're using empress for endgame, instead of Tyrants? This is more or less what MSEA's situation is.

Bpots are overrated anyway. There are no 'epic bpot scrolls' so you'll have to cube it to legendary, cost more per cube, offer less stats, and the bpot scrolls are hard to obtain anyway. No one in MSEA cares about them because getting legend on an equip is already a nightmare in of itself.

You're right to call it 'lesser worlds'. GMS has it good.

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