Star Citizen companion game Squadron 42 will not be released in 2016 •

No, im discussing a situation with a very immature young man who has been throwing accusations around non stop.

You notice I never once assumed what you knew, what your background was, anything like that? Because I've been around. I know I don't know fuck all about you. I don't know what you know.

Only youth, arrogant youth, makes the kinds of insults and accusations you do. You throw around logical fallacies thinking it makes you look smart. It does to you, you smile and snicker.

Adults who have done things, who have accomplished things, know that doesn't mean shit. That lots of other people have done more and know more. That belittling others and making assumptions will get them nowhere.

After talking to you for a bit, it's clear you're a younger guy, probably in your 20s. That's awesome. I hope you have a great career. You've got lots of growing up to do though. You're a touch stunted for a 20 something year old guy.

You will look back on this version of you in 2 decades and cringe.

You're blocked and ignored now. Already wished you a good day and you had to keep going.

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