Ladies, what's your most cringeworthy date?

Also, the time I went to an art museum with a girl (it was like a second or third date). She showed up REEKING of garlic and then bragging about how much kimchi she had eaten before coming. (which, it's fine, some foods don't smell great, but at least make an effort to smell nice if you are trying to impress someone). The woman then began explaining each painting in detail to me. she fancied herself an expert in art since she painted as a hobby. This was annoying, but wouldn't have been horrible if it weren't for the fact that some of the things she was saying were blatantly wrong and she wouldn't let me say anything about the art myself. Finally, she said something so incorrect that I had to say something. like it was stuff that you would learn in a basic art history class. when I gently said that actually what she said wasn't true and I had read something really interesting about it for an art history class (so not being a know-it-all, just being like, hey here's some info you may want to look at), she got mad and insisted that I and my art history professor were WRONG. The final straw was when I was driving us to dinner (because, yes, I'm an idiot and decided to continue the date) and tried to parallel park my car. I'm not a bad driver, but it can take me a while to get into a tight space, so I made a joke about how they never tested us on parallel parking in order to get our license. She responded by saying she never had a test either but was wonderful at parallel parking. Like, really??? She had to brag about that? let's say I was glad when I never heard from her again.

/r/actuallesbians Thread