Default subs in a nutshell :(

I've dated men shorter than me or my same height. I'm 5'4 and honestly I think Peter might be my exception because I'd date the shit out of him. The guy who was my exact height, not a bad dude, the one who was shorter than me had a complex. I feel so bad because we met while we were both sitting(I left before he got up) and I wasn't paying too much attention to how tall he actually was. We exchanged numbers and started talking, which led to sexting and then led to a one night stand(I had never had sex with a man at the time). BUT the whole time I had no idea until he showed up at the door to pick me up that he was 5'. Once we were headed to his place I learned he liked classical music and classic star trek. Yikes. I'm not a huge fan of classical beyond music scores and I think TOS is incredibly dated. Give me TNG and Voyager(that female captain yo). Plus he sucked in bed. Like if you are going to be a short dude make up for it by being a champion in the bedroom at least and then while I'm laying naked with you don't get annoyed my head is on your chest. Way to make a girl feel rejected, especially since he knew it was my first time with a man. I slept over and quickly left him the next morning. He was a co worker too and was annoyed I refused to speak to him after that.

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