I think this lady (60 years old) wants to fuck

You gotta play it right my friend. Maybe whenever you go over there compliment her on her looks or her clothes. Say she looks really pretty and if she were 30 years younger you'd take her to her town in a instant. Whenever you see her give her a big hug and bring her in close maybe even pick her up it's really flirty. Then get on the topic of movies and if it's older if you have seen it or not say you haven't seen it and ask if you can watch it at her place and sit close to her bring her flowers and chocolates and put the moves on her. Maybe drink some wine with her. Rub her thigh and if you feel like she's into it go in and kiss her neck. Whisper that she's beautiful, older women love to be appreciated. That's my advice to you friend. Goodluck.

/r/sex Thread