Lasagna: lowest ROI thing to make?

Oh hell yeah, this is my moment.

Fuck Lasagna. Fuck people who make a big deal about this stupid fucking dish.

Every family gathering growing up, everyone in my family and extended family would make a big fuss about the fact that my Aunt Laurie - oldest of 9 fucking aunts- made her famous lasagna. It tasted exactly how you would expect noodles, meat, sauce and cheese to taste. I was expected to be excited at every birthday and first communion that I had the opportunity to eat some fucking lasagna. You know what - I'm extending this to include mostaccioli. Anyone who grew up in northwest indiana knows... you can't go to a banquet or a graduation party or any type of gathering without being subjected to shitty fried chicken and mostaccioli and greek salad. It's all bullshit and I hate it. Fuck lasagna and fuck mostaccioli

/r/Cooking Thread