Last F**kable Day- with Tina Fey, Amy Schumer, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Patricia Arquette

see my other comment for more details because I think I was misinterpreted, I'm not trying to say that male commedians who are vulgar -all the time- are more liked than women comedians who are vulgar all the time, I'm trying to say woman are generalized more to be vulgar all the time, when they only use it occasionally just like a lot of other comedians that are beloved, if you were to watch amy schumers comedy you would realize that actually the majority of it isn't vulgar at all and a lot of it is intelligent satire...I just feel weird about threads like these where everyone is so fucking judgmental and jumps on some hatebandwagon and these women are the unfunny shedevils of earth somehow, when they're just comedians....and I see a lot more variety from them than people are admitting to here, I think people just made their judgment by watching a clip or just coming to their own conclusions...but they have no idea what their show is actually like or what the scope of their work is

I will check out a bunch of comedians on your list because I'm not super familiar, I am not that fond of wanda sykes or maria bamford though, maybe we just have different preferences is in humor and it's as simple as that..but..I just think a lot of people are being unfairly judgmental about not only someone's humor but their character..and who they are as a person I guess, and I just think that's fucked up

I am high because I am an insomniac actually, true story. my body responds to sleep deprivation with severe pain and I react badly to a lot of meds, so I self-medicate with pot to keep myself alive. if you are curious, I write a lot about my fucked up life in my other comments in this throwaway account I was going to delete but I kept because I love the username..spaghettiodragon..right? delicious..

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