Le Pen promises to take France out of EU & NATO

Im very glad for most of the thinking, I think NATO has out-served its usefulness. Not sure on the EU--As that's something I haven't studied.

The comment about it serving only the US desires---Not sure how true that is. Alot of Americans, including myself don't see much use in NATO and actually don't like it. We pay for a massive portion of it, but they don't do much other then sanctions. Their peace keeping core and the portion of it that should be helping build infrastructure in poor countries and helping children tend to be very inefficient, even compared to how we spend money. They are very slow to react to critical issues, and I would personally rather take the money we spend on them and use it to directly benefit the countries who need it in time of natural disaster like Japan, Hati, and Chile. Its also very segmented, with only a few countries ultimately holding the reigns. That being said, France is one of those countries who held the reigns---So not sure too much on that one. They don't do much for international crime, which is absolutely something that they are in the position for and should be dealing with (Things like Scams, Fraud, Identify theft, malware, and viruses.)

Not only that, but I would rather countries organically build friendship, vs the forced friendship (Or as close as you can get) that NATO does.

/r/worldnews Thread Link - rt.com