Do you think league is in a seriously bad state right now?

other than adc, i'd say it feels like other positions have more impact on the game than before. a good roam from support leading to a kill in mid? you can snowball that even harder because turret plates. one good countergank leading to a 2v2 win in top lane? you can push for 1, 2 even 3 turret plates and get a big lead going. obv adc feels shitty to play rn and they also aren't made to easily affect other lanes, but other than them, i feel like the 4 other roles have more agency and snowball potential because of turret plating. idk, just my personal thought.
i think the game isn't any worse than other recent metas, but i do think conqueror is broken and that essence reaver should be removed. 2/0/1 jax with triforce essence reaver legitimately could 1v5 it feels like. also, kha zix is fucking broken i swear (totally personal opinion not based on facts but based on getting my ass destroyed every time)

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