I learned my lesson: you can't go to the humane society "just to look"

The last time I went to the pound it was to pick up my mutt that managed to get out of the yard. As I'm waiting I'm walking around and I see these papers everywhere with crayon drawings and big block letters - so I asked about it.

The pound asks anyone that brings a dog (or cat) in to draw or write a little message to the new owners. I thought it was interesting so I started looking a little closer.

I'm going to be honest, I'm a grown-ass man and it was EVERYTHING I could do not to tear up as I walked the rows of caged pups. Most of them were pits, not surprising since we have a few towns and municpal areas (and the odd HOA I think) that prohibit them and I don't think people look until AFTER they get one and they end up in the local pounds.

So, I'm walking around and I see these pictures, they are stick figures showing a family with a dog and 'little kid' writing with stuff like "this is harvy. he is a gud dog and i lov him lots but we ned to giv him away becaus we cant have him. pls take harvy home with you he is a gud dog and wil make you hapy."

I wanted to adopt every dog there, it was such a heartbreaking experience.

/r/aww Thread Link - i.reddituploads.com