At least 2 shot outside Muhammad cartoon exhibit In Garland, Texas

Nobody is going to care about islamic radicalists.. liberals don't, conservative don;t

It's like legal pot.. we all agree on it pretty often.

You're just making shit up based off of some life you live inside of the bubble that is reddit I guess. Most liberals are just like any other American and they do make up a larger demographics than conservatives... we just vote less because we are busy working necessary jobs because we actually love our country and it's citizens instead of being retired or running billion dollar companies or cashing in food stamps like red states :P

Liberals don't want to prop up poor people.. we just know it's the only way to fix the problem and it's also cheaper than putting them in prison.. which we've been trying to tell conservatives for decades now and until the internet existed they could easily deny it.. just like they could deny police abuse is as bad as it sounds.

Now you all are trying to steal legalizing cannabis and ending the war on drugs from liberals also... I love it personally. Gay Obamacare Marriage with reduction of police force and out of control justice system sprinkled on top.

We also killed Osama and fixed the economy with just about no help from the GOP other than their very reliable foot dragging.

Now the economy is clearly bouncing back.. new homes are on the rise... millions of people are back to work AND the GOP's claim to fame is how they obstructed every law they could for the last 6 years.. which means they really can't claim credit for any of it because to do so would be admitting they work with Obama and he is clearly a terrorist wearing American skin.

Really.. this could not be more fun for liberals to watch. You guys are going bat shit over nothing because your mad that the Blatimore riots that you pinned down as just more niggers burning their own shit are turning into the central point of social reform and even GLOBAL protests against police violence.

When was the last time a conservative protest went global? Was it the Mayonnaise Gathering of 1922 or maybe it was that time when you guys tried to violently resist Constitutional rule during desegregation. Oh that Constitution you like so much and read so little.. equal rights under the law is a bitch for the GOP because all it does is empower a bunch of people that won't vote for you.

If reddit were to condem something it should be misappropriation of tax payer money to stand around protecting people whom should protect themselves when making such statements. Any good conservative would agree. It's a waste of money and you're not protected BY the government to say anything you want without repercussion. That's not the government or the police's job.

You also don't want to organize such an event at a school... that's just bad form because now the school might be targeted for these guys meaningless statement.

I know I have freedom to draw cartoons of any religion I want.. you know your free to do that. Why the hell do we care what terrorists think anyway.

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