Leaving my pregnant wife

My boyfriend didn't want kids due to trauma, he's terrified of what might happen to his son. the truth is, you can't protect your children 100%, but logically being there for them is you being able to help watch them a lot more than if you split. Therapy has really helped my boyfriend come to grips with his fears and a myriad of other issues that got tangled up in the trauma. Because he felt like he couldn't talk to anyone about anything relating to it, it ended being this big emotional gorgon's knot of other issues you probably haven't thought about either. For him, he misremembered the trauma and couldn't make logical sense of it because he was so used to shutting down talking about it. A lot of the problems he had were also relating more to how his family reacted to it and now he's free to see these things as separate workable issues instead of the big scary bad that screwed him up for life.

Now that he's started therapy my boyfriend is very excited to be a father. Terrified but excited. Nobody can make you take care of this kid, but I hope this story is at least a confirmation that you can work through this if you want to.

/r/relationship_advice Thread