The left should try to shape Starmerism, not bury it - New Statesman

Yet the left has been strangely hesitant – unwilling to acknowledge its own previous success in forcing open questions on the economy, such as ownership and public spending, that had once appeared sealed shut.

Starmerism isn’t a secret version of Corbynism and Starmer is not a closet left-winger. Starmerism’s default setting is managerial and its default mode of address is to the political centre. The project around his leadership could, at this point, easily snap into pure New Labour cosplay. Without a defence of the more radical elements of his programme, as they come under attack from the remnants of Blairism, a reversion to the Westminster status quo is virtually guaranteed.

He's got a point here. When it comes to Starmer's better policies (£28 billion climate spending, free childcare, more social housing, nationalised railways etc.) the left should a. take more credit for them and b. talk about them in positive terms, making it harder for him to backslide.

I'm talking particularly about the SCG, who should use every media opportunity to trumpet these policies and point out it was the Labour left who developed them.

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