Legacy of the First Blade DLC - A message from Creative Director Jonathan Dumont

How else would they protray their family line living on? .

My Dudes living the greek dream sleeping with everyone.

Awesome video game. Lost so many hours living in this video game, helped me get out a little rough patch of depression. But seeing everyonea kicking off over this part of a dlc ina video game, is making me sad man. Yh alright they gave you the choice for like 100 hours then took one choice away from you I get that but really it's not that a big deal. Like, theres so much way more worst shit going on in the real world right now then what ubi decided to add to a game you all clearly like.

Like real shit is going on atm, end of the world levels of bullshit for most species but yh my role-playing gay dude had straight sex. Its not like the ocean is heating rapidly each year. Or that the insects are disappearing from some areas of the world. Or that the glaciers are melting fast too. Nah what matters is MY GAY PROTAG HAD STARIGHT SEX. I CAN'T EVEN.

/r/assassinscreed Thread