Leonardo DiCaprio, Warner Bros to Resurrect Film Version of Graphic Novel Akira

Word vomit coming through:

I am of the opinion that this movie needs to be made, someway, somehow, but it needs to go ALL OUT. Preaching to the choir I'm sure. This possible movie adaptation has been keeping me up at night for the past couple days b/c I think it has such a great opportunity to truly change how Hollywood thinks about their audience (USA/white washing vs The World) and the film industry as a whole.

A recent article came out about Entourage tanking abroad, which I understand at the surface level doesn'tt really have a connection to Akira's saga, but I think it speaks to the need of this movie being made right to reach not just faithful anime fans but everyone else as well.

Movies like Elysium tried this, but due to other structural factors it wasn't a hit. This can be that, but x10, and this is how I see how. Someone else mentioned Hollywood wouldn't have the balls to do the gross out moments. After this summers (possibly generations) hit, I have not doubt George Miller has more than enough cojones to do it, and maybe some more.

White-washing issue everyone is getting pissed about. Totally agreed. To combat this, and it may be absolutely common sense, please, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD do not have it based in a US city! Cannot stress this enough. The best city, IMO, which I think would be the perfect location for this adaptation would be São Paulo. Couple reasons, for those who do not know - Brazil has the highest Japanese population outside of Japan. What does this also mean? Well, Brazil being part of the BRIC countries, it's global, it's known, and the infrastructure is pretty fucking massive (and future-dystopian favelas yo, future-dystopian favelas are tight as shit). My personal favorite reason as to basing it here is that it takes care of the underlying fear, casting white people for this. I'm not white nor Asian, but I'd even be pissed to see these roles taken up by white people. Nothing against them though, promise. I don't know much about casting and finding fluent English speaking Japanese actors/actresses who production companies are confident enough to let them take such huge roles, but it can't be That hard, can't it? Sidenote, I'd think it'd be SICK to have a Afro-Brazilian Tetsuo. This also allows distinguished Japanese actors/actresses to take on the older roles like Colonel

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