A lesbian protested against a Korean politician who disregarded sexual minorities' rights; his supporters started booing and said, "Later. Not now for you, wait!"

That's really unfortunate. I would hope it gets more attention outside of Korea, but a lot of people aren't really informed on the politics of other countries outside their own. It just seems like a really hard time for LGBTQ+ people in Southeast Asia in general. Changing the attitudes of people and cultural norms is extremely difficult and takes a lot of time.

I would also have to wonder if it's not getting any attention because of how much the impeachment and the Choi Soon-sil scandal greatly overshadows any other news coming out of Korea at the moment, compared to candidates campaigning to take Park Geun-hye's place in the future. That, and I find that Western media in general don't really report news on Asian politics unless it's extremely significant, as the scandal is, or affects the West itself (i.e.; nuclear testing, Shinzo Abe's visit, etc.). You'd only find the news if you were looking for it, or regularly visited Korean language sites. I have a hard time finding good sources in English for Korean news, and big ones I can find (Korea Times, Chosun Ilbo, admittedly right leaning, I believe) are all reporting on the impeachment and the recent assassination of Kim Jong-un's half-brother, mostly.

It just seems like a terrible situation in general, though. :/ I'm a queer Korean-American, so I try my best to stay informed despite my very poor grasp of Korean. I hope things get better, and it does seem like more people are gradually beginning to accept LGBTQ+ people, but it's a slow process.

/r/lgbt Thread