Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks 'gyrating drag queens' are 'sexualizing' kids into thinking that they are transgender

Don't dismiss this as being yet another one of those things that's just MTG running her mouth. This is the latest Republican line of attack. When DeSantis was campaigning for reelection in November, every fucking commercial showed a clip of a drag queen reading to some kids in a school with the kind of filter and music you'd expect from a documentary about a school shooting. And then talk about DeSantis "saving" Florida schools.

It's not just Marjorie Taylor Greene. We can't go two days in Florida without hearing about the latest anti-drag move from the governor's office, and now anti-drag legislation is spreading to all the red states. And every bit of it is being sold like it's somehow "protecting" children from being sexualized. It's another prong in the "liberals are turning your kids trans in schools" line that seems to be one of their main agendas for the upcoming election cyclem.

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