Let's start making it a thing to not send 'kill yourself; messages to other players, shall we?

I honestly think a lot of solo players are just sick and tired of meeting stacked teams of 4. I'll admit I get frustrated with this a lot too, but I try to stick through the match just to save someone else that misery its hard sometimes tho. With people leaving and going a lot of times its a 4v3 or 4v2. So I just get wrecked over and over.

Hell, just last night I met a team of 4 with a 5.0 and a 3.0. KA/D(No idea about the other two, they didn't have the emblem) and it was pure torture. I myself have only a .96 kd or 1.16 KA/D. Like how the hell is that even possible? Why is there no real type of matchmaking system in place? Or even a a concede option? We were losing like 40 to 20 with 1 minute left. Just end it already jeez. I'm only gonn

Either way this is enough to either make you stop playing altogether, or if you're like me and actually do enjoy the game and wanna keep playing, send a message expressing your frustration and at least you feel a little better inside. Of course I'd never say 'kill yourself' or something egregious like that.. My message is probably something I should be sending to bungie.

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