Level 1 Upgrades are still worth it!

omg, yes! My ship is flying better than ever now. I started out with the engineers just throwing on some level 1 upgrades to my missiles, shields, and thrusters, and I noticed a decent improvement in my ability to match up against the improved AI. And just yesterday, a couple months after my first engineering excursion, doing missions and collecting mats/commodities along the way, I decided to go back to the engineers to prep my ship for a trip to Jacques. Had enough mats to get some level 2s and 3s (and only needed to take one other mission to get some modular terminals.) Now I really notice a difference. I can take on an Elite FGS by myself now (which had thankfully gotten much more difficult after the AI buff) and it really feels like I earn the kill. And I haven't lost my ship in weeks which is a new record for me :P (a blessing at my modest rebuy of 4.8mill) It's like people started playing this game and completely forgot what incremental change is. For some reason a lot of people want all or nothing, they only want the biggest most expensive ship with all grade 5 upgrades or they can't have fun..? Not the point.

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