Liberals in the UK love Winston Churchill because he "saved us from fascism", but not many are aware he had fascist tendencies too

I'm seeing in this thread a lot of interesting speeches and quotes showing Churchill's racism. I'm not seeing much mention of the Bengal famine, which was caused by his governments policies. It ran from 1943 to 1944 and caused between 2 and 3 million deaths in a part of the world whose total population was about 60 million. So it killed about 5% of the population and was the direct cause of a government of the then British Empire deciding that feeding people in what is now Bangladesh and parts of Eastern India was less important than feeding white people.

At the risk of repeating myself, it's not just nasty speeches and quotes. His government caused the death of 2-3 million of it's own citizens for purely racist reasons.

I do think it's important to remember that Churchill helped motivate the country to fight the Nazi's, I think a lot of right wing "historians" overstate his contribution to that cause (and under estimate the importance of the Labour party in that endeavor- at a time when most Tories wanted to sue for peace it was the Labour party under Attlee who made it clear to Churchill that this was not acceptable) but I hate how seemingly all historians gloss over Churchill's racism and the way his racism effected people all over the world. Such as with the Bengal famine.

A couple of years ago the historian David Olusoga did a great program on the BBC (The Unwanted: The Secret Windrush Files) about the Windrush scandal where he demonstrated that it was actually the product of successive British governments all trying to pursue racist policies without looking like they were being racist, and that this dated back to when Churchill was PM. I'd really recomend watching that one if you can.

TLDR: Churchill didn't just say nasty racist things, he did nasty racist things that killed millions in the 1940's and made life extremely hard for generations of Black British people.

/r/GreenAndPleasant Thread Link -