What are your thoughts on the quote from Pastor Dave Barnhart regarding the hypocrisy of the Pro-life crowd?

There’s enormous flaws in this statement. First, theological ones: that because someone does not have a voice, they do not deserve our advocacy as much as those who do. Furthermore: that because the Bible does not specifically mention a moral cause or class of people that we should not advocate for it/them.

Finally, and most importantly, the idea that prisoners, the immigrants, and whomever else get “thrown under the bus” for the unborn is wrong in a few ways. It’s an unproven blanket accusation of hypocrisy that likely isn’t true (you’ll be hard-pressed to find someone who cares about one and denies the other). But more than that - to assert we should not oppose the killing human beings because other groups (that are not being directly murdered) have needs is silly. If anything, we should prioritize opposing the slaughter of the innocent over other moral quandaries, but fortunately, we don’t have to. Jesus was not an either/or guy.

/r/prolife Thread