It do be like that

What the hell are you even talking about man? I pointed out the absurdity of your points because I simply don't agree that fighting with Putin will solve anything and will instead cause a nuclear war.

10 dollars? I never mentioned anything about 10 dollars and I honestly don't see the relevancy of you mentioning this. Also, there is a difference between having integrity/honor and being stupid (protecting your land from invaders is having honor and integrity while attacking a megalomaniac like Putin and starting a war that will kill billions is being stupid).

In your original comment you mentioned how war against Russia is necessary at all costs even if it kills all of humanity, does this mean that you think all of human life is worth 10 dollars? Or am I giving you too much credit?

People like me? Last I checked you don't know me, so it's pretty bold of you to assume who I am.

Also, what does "they are always repulsive in the aftermath" even mean? Are you alluding that I am going to die horrifically in a war? Cause if you are then that's absolutely disgusting dude....

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