Limbaugh on Trump: 'This Was One of the Most Effective Press Conferences I Have Ever Seen'

“And he rattled off the achievements they’ve had here that the media is not reporting because they’re so focused on whether or not Trump worked with Russia to screw Hillary out of the presidency,” he continued. “And he was reassuring the people he’s on top of everything. Nothing has changed. Everything he campaigned on, he is doing. All he is doing is fulfilling campaign promises. And of course, the Democrats don’t like him. Of course, the media don’t like him. It isn’t going to stop him.

It seems to me this is basically a Trump-style way of thinking from Limbaugh. X is great, because it's the best thing ever, and we're gonna MAGA! And, the media doesn't get it.

That's the magic formula!

It works because it's self-fulfilling. I get the sense that the right believes they've got the hack on propaganda. X is awful, bad the worst. Y is the best, good, amazing. If the media does anything to break into this cycle, then, they are fake and in the wrong.

So for instance, asking a question like, "How can we trust you if you are giving us false information," is a dishonest question by the dishonest media.

Or, to point out the circular logic is an example of a biased leftist user.

Is that what we are celebrating?

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