A live, moving fetus in the embryonic sack

yes, the same loving, "mysterious" god who shows his infinite love for his children by creating a particularly beauty of a parasitic worm which enters a child's [only third world children, who already live intra-generational lives of back breaking poverty will do for god's special love] guts, then eats its way out of the child's eyes, causing constant, gut wrenching pain to a five year old child living in the really fucked up part of the world where even ordinary pain medicine like tylenol isn't available, let alone a cure.

this easily preventable malady obviously occurs because the child and, or his parent either didn't love god enough, or didn't thank god enough, or worse, prayed to the wrong god. fucking asshole children will never learn about our loving, forgiving, but always mysterious god who, for some reason, expresses his "mystery" mostly in the real poor areas of his creation where aforementioned insect borne disease can be prevented simply by not washing with, bathing in or drinking fetid, fecal matter contaminated water.

but, hey, as the lord revealed to us special people - it is their own fault for not believing with a clean, true heart. you know like the pure than the driven snow, hillary and bill clinton; or like oprah; or george w. bush, who was born into an elite, super rich east coast family because of dubya's belief in the lord, and also because he helped out lord slay a million or so of our lord's rival, allah's sand nigger children.

p.s. i love you jesus, and really love you god. extra thanks for birthing me in north america, and thanks for guiding my ancestors hand when they slayeth thousands of red men occupying land you bequeatheth unto your bestest followers.

p.p.s. what is with the mormons? their "prophet" joseph smith claimed he is your only son, jesus christ's brother? but that is impossible, right? of course, it is falsehood. but riddle me this my lord, why did thee blesseth the mormons with high per-capita income, disproportionate corporate and academic successes? do tell, lord?

p.p.p.s - jews? [see mormons]

p.p.p.p.s - and what is with making the real heathens, idol, cow and monkey worshiping hindus among the highest per-capita income earning group in america? their disproportionate success is embarrassing your true believers. especially their year after year winning of the spelling bee? unless the bee is the devil's handiwork? who else but mr.666 can spell penuemonia? am i wright?

/r/WTF Thread Link - i.imgur.com