Local police bring some sass with battering ram


I went to high school in Troy Michigan with a girl who got charged with an MIP (minor in possession) for drinking underage. House party got rolled by the cops and a bunch of my classmates got popped, along with "Mary." Their judge, Judge Martone, was famous in Troy for being especially hard on underage drinking and drinking and driving in general. He used to go to every school in the area with an anti-drinking message, so I'm confident he wouldn't mind his name being used.

Fast forward half a year or so. It's the night Mary's probation was over. She celebrates by partying, takes a picture of her drinking shots while flicking off the camera, posts it to 'webshots' (the equivalent to Imgur at the time), and captions the picture "Fuck you Judge Martone."

Judge Martone was getting some award or recognition around that time, so a secretary of his was pulling old quotes about him from online articles and just doing general research on him to help him write a speech. The secretary does a simple search for "judge Martone" sees Mary's time stamped photo, less than 48 hours fresh, passes it on to the judge, the judge brings Mary back to court and put her in jail for a night or two on top of a longer and stricter period of probation. From that point on he made it very clear to students in Troy that anything they posted online was fair game. This was the early 2000s so it was probably one of the earliest cases in Troy where a high school student got in trouble for posting a picture of an infraction online.

TLDR: Girl I went to high school with posted a picture online of her drinking with a caption taunting the judge who put on her probation earlier in the year for underage drinking. Judge catches wind quickly and slammed her with longer, tougher probation and a weekend in jail.

/r/facepalm Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com