Coming Out to Wife and Open Marriage Proposal

I recently asked my wife for an open marriage and she agreed. My wife has known about my sexuality since before we started dating and we've been married for 7 years. She's incredibly supportive. We talk about our potential matches and what's going on with each of us and it's very fun. We're there for each other when feeling vulnerable or insecure, and it has actually put a boom into our sex life. But my wife is cool as fuck, also bisexual, and incredibly open-minded. If my wife was a different person and our marriage wasn't as strong as it is, it could have gone drastically different.

You're breaking the #1 rule of open marriage: you don't do it to try to fix something. Healthy relationships are built on open and honest communication. First off, I can't imagine hiding my sexuality from my spouse. That is such an insanely huge secret. It's a part of your identity and your spouse should know your truest self. I highly recommend you come out to your wife and brace yourself for the repercussions. Maybe she'll take it well, but she might feel like you've been lying to her for years.

Just imagine if your wife was suddenly like, "Hey, I'm actually left-handed. I've just been pretending to be right-handed in front of you for the last 7 years." As inconsequential as a quality that is, don't you think you'd be a bit put off by that?

Secondly, be honest with her about your feelings about your sex life. It may help to see a counselor and/or a sex therapist together. When you're talking about having sex with the same person over a long period of time, sometimes work is involved. Sex is not automatic, and it's not all about receiving. You need to find out if you two can really meet each other's needs.

This could be a hard road you're heading down. Be careful. Be respectful. And above all, be honest. Good luck.

/r/bisexual Thread