Workout they said, you'll have great skin they said

I second this. Skincare routine is important, and i especially think it affects us women more (or we just notice/care more lol) because we have more drastic hormonal changes that play into effect as well.

I don't know what your skin-type is, but this is my regimen, and i have pretty dry skin (especially now in the winter)

Morning: wash face with gentle cleanser (and remove remaining sleep pack/night mask product) and also helps wake me up. I workout at the gym with NO makeup on and have my own clean small hand towel for my keeping sweat off my face.

Finnish Sauna for 10-15 minutes. During Post workout shower, rinse face with warm water to open pores and use a gentle foam cleanser that wont dry out skin. Pat face dry don't rub it.

Apply toner, serum, emulsion, sunscreen, and moisturizer before any makeup. For acne apply a medicated ointment on the spot. I don't use heavy foundations or layers of powder (also dont really need much nowadays) but a dab of concealer on dark spots now and then doesnt harm. I put a small clearish-skin colored patch over an acne spot if i really need to.

I use a mist spray to take care of dryness or redness during the day without messing up my makeup.

Nighttime is when you want to focus on tackling acne. Wash off any makeup with an oil cleanser or balm, then wash with an exfoliant scrub. I like St. Ives oatmeal scrub and do it as a mask maybe once a week to get rid of patches of dry peeling skin. Then apply toner, emulsion, serum. There are kinds that are good for acne prone or oily skin trouble and others for moisture, others for anti-aging etc. find one that works for you. Apply a mask for 10 minutes. Tea tree oil mask is good for acne or red spots. Charcoal mask for clogged pores. Shea butter or coconut oil or like cucumber, etc kinds of mask for nutrients, brightness and moisture...then remove and apply moisturizer.

For body acne make sure the fabric of your workout clothes isn't irritating your skin, and you don't use any perfumed detergents. And never ever re-wear same sweaty shirt or sports bra even if it doesnt smell bad! Theres loads of bacteria in that.

When you shower Use a washcloth and ph balancing body wash soap to scrub gently, but do a good heavy scrub with an exfoliating spongepad (like until you're a red lobster!) once in a while to get rid of all those dead skin cells getting built up and clogging your pores. It kinda hurts but your skin feels like a baby's butt afterwards hahaha.

For face and body, and hair too, always rinse with cool water to close everything back up.

And as always, moisturize~~ aveeno or nivea are good brands i personally like.

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