long-term solution to common hapa issues?

I guess to put it a simpler way too, you and me are probably used to getting jokes/puns about being Asian. In fact, at this point, we're probably used to getting straight-up slurs for being Asian. But how many white people do you think are really used to jokes about white people? Or are used to a racial slur/open hostility just for being white? Not many dude... so when it does happen, they don't know what to do because it's never been on them to be targeted for being the "normal" group. It's just an unworked mental muscle. I mean, it's why there's people on stormfront who insist that there's a "white genocide" going on because... some minority groups are just reproducing more.. That's "genocide" to a people who aren't used to not being on top. But switch over to very real genocides, like the holocaust, or the Native American genocide, and suddenly there's a thousand responses on the same site of how numbers are misrepresented, or the Natives were less advanced and therefore had it coming.. it's just not a rational thought process.

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