Long weekend plans for those in the U.S.?

Heading to a beer tasting this evening. Hosting a HOTD watch party tomorrow night. In between and on Monday: volunteer work, crafting, and Taekwondo. Had a blind date grab me by the arm earlier this week after I told him I didn't feel a connection, so it's time to enjoy my own company for a while.

OP, I'm pea-green with envy. Boston is one of my favorite cities. I moved to Cambridge during the '96 blizzard and even being snowed in was a blast. At a certain point, the front door of my building was literally blocked by four feet of snow and no one could get out. For over a week, the grad students living above me would stomp downstairs and hit me up for morning coffee, and then we'd spend the day playing D&D and eating spaghetti while they talked about their robot lab. Good times. I live in a different state now, but I always love going back.

/r/datingoverfifty Thread