Reverse number lookup

Looking people up can create trust issues. The internet is notorious for bad or wrong information. It also comes across as stocking... Meeting someone is a risk and should be. But information out of context could lead to a lot of regret. May be their credit looks bad. Not that you knew it was over medical bills. Maybe they were married once. But you didn't look deeper and find that their spouse was dead. They might have an arrest record. But you didn't go further to see there were no convictions as they were found innocent. Would you be ok if I looked up all your X's and friends? Social medial it gives us all that information? I wonder what they would have to say about you. All I see this rush to investigate and judge someone you just met can lead you to a lot of heart ache and loneliness. Is this paranoia because of the life time movie of the week or some bad experiences in the past? You might want to talk to a therapist about your anger. It is amazing how many women and some men do this. Not even realizing if the other person finds out would or could hate them. Because they would feel violated.

/r/datingoverfifty Thread