Make the longest possible thesis statement without using the letter "A"

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for civil government to close down all non-essential businesses, to issue stay-at-home orders for residents of their state, city, country, continent, or village, to prohibit all private or public meetings with ten or more attendees, to relieve their citizens of economic hardship by sending economic stimulus checks, to temporarily suspend schools in the name of due diligence, one would expect the College Board, that great, sinister organization who dictates the education system of the United States of America and monopolizes the whole college entrance standardized test market, to properly maintain their website so that students, who are paying the $500,000 salary of that venerated Senior Vice President of the Advanced Placement program whose name is so sacred that it would be blasphemous to mention without conducting the proper actions of reverence, may be provided with proper instructional and practice material to prepare for the online AP Examinations taking place in May; however, the wishes and expectations of students, parents, and teachers have been crushed during these past few weeks, with the College Board's novel "AP Classroom" misbehaving and crashing unexpectedly to their great chagrin, but more importantly, illustrating that organizations who claim themselves to be "non-profit" can be greedy, corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent because of loopholes embedded in United States law.

/r/APStudents Thread