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I had the exact same thought.

It reminds me of the one time I went salsa dancing (at Caliente) and how horribly it went. See, I don't mind salsa, I actually like it on nachos 'n' whatnot. And I don't mind dancing either, I actually do it pretty regularly. But I hear the two together (salsa dancing) and I get a rush of "ughh."

A number of years back, I was out on a first date with a girl who regularly salsa danced at Caliente. I was nervous as hell. About 10 minutes before I was supposed to meet her at the bar, I swung by the Chateau Lafayette to chug a quick courage beer. The bartender must've noticed how nervous I looked, and he asked what was up. I give him a quick rundown of the situation, including how thrilled I was about going on a date with this woman. Without saying anything, the bartender reached behind him, pulled out a bottle of tequila, and poured out two shots.

Drinks downed, I thanked the bartender, left him a boss tip, and set out for my 2-block jaunt over to Caliente. With a pint and a shot of tequila in my empty stomach, my courage was maxed-out. I'm no stranger to dancing, and I am a pretty regular dater, but this woman did this kind of dancing regularly and she was really cool. The closer I got to Caliente's door, the more nervous I got, despite the fact I was quickly getting drunker with each step.

When I got to the door, I turned my drunk ass around and walked to the curb. I emptied my all-liquid stomach into the nearest storm grate. Now I'm ready.

After drunkenly stumbling up the stairs, I spotted her. She was waiting for me off to the side of the dance floor, and when she spotted me, she ran over and gave me a very excited hug as she screamed "omg, you actually came, I'm so excited!" Man, she was a sweet girl. I pulled her off me and looked at her deep in her eyes as I said "I'm drunk, I'm nervous, I just threw up downstairs, and I need to get to a bathroom to clean myself up."

She and I dated for like 3 years after that, despite my abject failure to dance salsa that night.

TL;DR: If you decide to try it, unlike some other forms of dance, salsa dancing is best done sober.

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