Looking to do a Rhinoplasty with Dr Jay Calvert in Beverly Hills. Any experience with him?

Yea I saw this and it is concerning, though I read the lawsuit and don’t take the whole thing seriously. Do I think he sexually assaulted her during surgery? No. Do I think he did surgery on her ovaries? No.

But, IMO I think he was obviously committing fraud with the over billing insurance. That is concerning about his ethics, though idk what it says about his workmanship.

I could look past the previous over billing of insurance if I knew I was going to get a great nose.

He seems like he continues to teach and be involved in a lot of groups, which I can’t say for a lot of surgeons. It also seems like a lot of surgeons recommend him to his patients... atleast from the reviews I saw.

Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the reviews and followers were faked.

Idk.... I talked with him and he seemed great... just wish I knew what was true or not.

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